The branches of a snag in Canyonlands National Park reach upwards as the core of the Milky Way glows in the summer sky above.

The last of the sun’s light warms the cacti in Saguaro National Park outside Tucson, AZ as the brightest of the sky’s stars make their appearance overhead.

The core of the Milky Way glows over the Methow Valley, home to some of Washington state’s darkest skies.

The Milky Way core shines brightly in the dark sky above a sandstone butte in the canyon country of douthern Utah.

Comet NEOWISE appears in the July 2020 evening sky over The Three Gossips in Arches National Park.

Stars trail in the sky over the Grand Canyon as the moonlight shines bright on the Duck On A Rock formation along the canyon’s south rim.

The Milky Way core seems to explode from one of the volcanoes at Craters of the Moon National Preserve.

The Milky Way rises above a lake nestled between the hills in front of Washington state’s North Cascades.

Steam creeps over the landscape at Yellowstone's Mammoth Hot Springs as the core of the Milky Way begins to fade with the arrival of dawn.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars align perfectly with the rising crescent moon over Mount Saint Helens.

The Orion constellation shines above the peak of Mount Index in Washington state.

Venus shines bright in the night sky over Rattlesnake Lake in North Bend, WA.